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The Common Issues Faced by Roll Forming (Roofing Sheet) Manufacturing Companies

The Common Issues Faced by Roll Forming (Roofing Sheet) Manufacturing Companies

In the world of manufacturing, where precision and excellence are not just goals but necessities, the journey of Mahawar Group stands as a testament to the power of resilience and innovation. At the heart of our philosophy is a simple yet profound understanding: to err is human. This realization is not just an acknowledgment of potential mistakes but a foundational principle that has shaped our approach to overcoming challenges in the manufacturing of roofing sheets.

When we embarked on the path of roll forming, the road was anything but smooth. We encountered myriad challenges—orders were incorrectly noted and processed, the lengths specified for sheets were often wrong, and materials dispatched did not always meet the requisites. These hurdles could have easily derailed our ambitions, but we instead prompted a significant shift in our mindset.

We quickly realized that being goal-oriented, while important, was not the panacea we had hoped for. The solution did not lie in merely hiring more skilled staff or imposing penalties for mistakes. Rather, we discovered that the key to overcoming our challenges was to focus on building a robust system—a framework that could anticipate errors and provide the necessary checks and balances to prevent them.

This epiphany was guided by the wisdom of James Clear, who eloquently stated, 'You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.' Inspired by these words, we embarked on a journey to refine our processes, ensuring that every aspect of our operation was aligned with the principle of systematic excellence.

The shift towards a systems-based approach marked a turning point for Mahawar Group. One of the most significant outcomes of this transformation was a remarkable 35% reduction in operational errors. This improvement was not just a number—it was a testament to the efficiency and reliability of our new processes. But how did we achieve such a notable enhancement in our operations?


The primary objective of this blog is to elucidate strategies and best practices for minimizing errors in the roll forming process, with a particular focus on the production of roofing sheets. In addressing the prevalent challenges that beset the industry—such as material wastage, equipment malfunctions, and inconsistencies in metal thickness—we aim to underscore the imperative for perpetual innovation and process enhancement.

It's essential to recognize that merely removing labour found at fault does not constitute a viable solution. Instead, adopting improved organizational policies and executing tasks with precision are fundamental steps toward error mitigation. Our goal is to furnish actionable insights and guidance that can assist companies in navigating these hurdles, thus not only improving the quality of their products but also advancing the sustainability and profitability of their operations. By thoroughly examining methods to sidestep these common issues, this blog aspires to equip roll forming enterprises with the knowledge to better meet the evolving demands of the construction industry, ensuring the provision of superior, long-lasting roofing materials.


The roll forming process, particularly in the roofing sheet manufacturing sector, is intricate and susceptible to various errors if not meticulously managed. Understanding these errors is crucial for companies aiming to refine their operations and enhance product quality. Here's a breakdown of common errors encountered during the production process:

1. Wrong Order Being Noted:

When a company doesn't get the customer's order right from the beginning, trouble starts. This could be because of a simple mistake in writing down what the customer wants, leading to the wrong product being made. It's like the saying, "Measure twice, cut once." Getting things right at the start saves a lot of trouble later.

2. Wrong Material Produced:

At times, due to errors in interpreting the order or simply picking the wrong raw material, the product produced can be of the incorrect material. This can affect the functionality, durability, and aesthetics of the roofing sheets, making them unsuitable for the intended application. Such mistakes can result in wasted resources, increased costs, and potential harm to the company's reputation.

3. Wrong Product Being Dispatched:

Even if the order is correctly noted and the right material is produced, there's still a risk of dispatching the wrong product. This could be due to labeling errors, mishandling in the warehouse, or miscommunication between departments. Sending the wrong product not only incurs additional shipping costs but also delays project timelines for clients, affecting trust and reliability.

Other Mistakes to Watch Out For:

- Not Setting Up Machines Properly: If the machines that bend the metal aren't set up just right, the roofing sheets might not come out the way weshould.

- Being Careless with Materials:If someone handles the materials roughly before or after making the product, it could get damaged. This is like reminding us to handle with care.

- Skipping Quality Checks: Not checking the product at different stages can mean mistakes go unnoticed. It's like the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

How to Fix These Issues:

This accomplishment underlines a key insight: by prioritizing accuracy, consistency, and continuous improvement in every aspect of the roll forming process, companies can achieve a remarkable enhancement in operational efficiency and product quality. The success story of the Mahawar Group serves as a compelling case study for the industry, demonstrating that through diligent application of these preventive measures, it is possible to mitigate common production errors significantly.

Here's a simpler breakdown of the strategies we use, which could be valuable for other companies as well:

1. Keep Everything Documented:

The Mahawar Group keeps a detailed record of all their production processes and any changes we make. This helps them keep things consistent and makes it easier to track down where something went wrong if it ever does. Think of it as keeping a diary for your production line – it tells you what you did and when you did it.

2. Look After Your Equipment:

We make sure all their machines are well-maintained, clean, and correctly set up. This is like making sure your car is serviced regularly so it runs smoothly and doesn't break down unexpectedly. Properly looking after the equipment means fewer mistakes and better-quality products.

3. Check Quality Regularly:

Regular quality checks are a big deal at the Mahawar Group. We measure things like the length of a sheet right after the machine is set to cut it, ensuring everything is just right. It’s a bit like double-checking your work in school to catch any mistakes before you hand it in.

4. Double-Check Orders:

To avoid the mistake of starting with the wrong order, we have a step where we double-check with the customer before webegin making anything. It's like confirming your order at a restaurant – it makes sure you get exactly what you wanted.

5. Learn and Improve:

It’s about learning from mistakes and not just fixing them but making sure they don’t happen in the first place.Adopting these measures, similar to the approach taken by the Mahawar Group, has led to a substantial reduction in errors, specifically by an impressive 35%. This significant decrease not only showcases the effectiveness of maintaining detailed documentation, diligent equipment maintenance, stringent quality control checks, meticulous order confirmation processes, and responsive corrective actions but also emphasizes the value of a proactive and systematic approach to quality management.


The culmination of these efforts was a significant reduction in errors—by 35%. But the impact was broader than just numbers. Our commitment to systemic excellence enhanced our reputation in the market, strengthened trust with our clients, and set a new standard for quality and reliability in the roofing sheet, manufacturing industry.

The success of Mahawar Group in navigating the challenges of roll forming and achieving substantial operational improvements serves as a powerful example of how a strategic focus on systems can lead to remarkable outcomes. As we continue on our path of growth and innovation, the lessons learned from this journey will undoubtedly guide our future endeavors.